Monday, December 22, 2008
all i want for christmas, is spam
Monday, December 22, 2008FOR CHRISTMAS, I WANT: -a date with you. (or maybe just a long conversation on msn. that works too.) -a big family dinner. we haven't ha...

-a date with you.
-a big family dinner. we haven't had one of those in a while.
-a job.
-a big brother. (Santa, i'm sure you have an extra one of these lying around somewhere.)
-a book. maybe something like 'guitar lessons for noobs'
-a can of spam, or
in other news, it feels good to 'blog' again.
lj will always be for fandoms :$
i've been talking to kg everyday, and yeeesh my stomach hurts from laughing.
my headphones are broken AGAIN and it makes me sad, f'real.
feeling kinda empty :S
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